Thursday, May 22, 2008

Covering Freckles

If you’re absolutely certain you don’t love your unique distinguishing marks, experiment with these tips and techniques.
1: Try over-the-counter bleaching agents to lighten the freckles you’ve already earned, but know that you can’t erase them entirely.

2: Apply tinted moisturizer or foundation, if you prefer light coverage, in a shade slightly darker than your natural skin tone to blend in and downplay your freckles.

3: Slather on sunblock with an SPF rating of 15 or higher every time you go outside, even in cloudy or overcast weather. As your skin tans, so do your freckles. Self-tanners will make your skin appear darker, but they will also darken your freckles.

4: Talk to a dermatologist if you want to try stronger measures intended to eliminate freckles. Ask about the pros and cons of acid or chemical peels, lasers and various bleaching agents available only by prescription.

Tips & Warnings
Protect your skin from sun to avoid a new crop of freckles. Freckles are inherited; limiting your sun exposure is the only way to prevent them. That’s why you probably don’t have any freckles on your derriere.

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